Solve Food Complaints


Allegations of food poisoning, allergic reaction or contamination accusations are an unwelcome but occasional experience in the world of restaurants, catering and hotels.

When you receive notice of a food complaint, our team is just a phone call away to advise and deal with it on your behalf, so the burden is lifted right off you!

We‘ll contact the guest involved, discuss their experience, and gather all the relevant information needed for an investigation.

Then we‘ll take the time to chat with you and your staff to establish preparation methods as well as flagging up any areas of concern that might come up further down the line.

Following our detailed analysis, we‘ll provide you with a full report of our findings, an action plan for your business going forward as well as follow-up communication with your customer.


  • Block 321, Road 359, Building 29 ALQUDAYBIYAH , Manama
  • Whatsapp: 33 60 00 21
  • +973 33 60 00 21